Emprendieron el viaje en febrero de 2016, ya han visitado 11 países y por el momento no tienen planes de regresar a Australia, su país de origen. Esperan recorrer la mayor cantidad de lugares, pues tienen tiempo y una agenda flexible.

La decisión de viajar fue tomada por la madre luego de que su mejor amiga perdiera la batalla contra el cáncer. Con esta situación se dio cuenta de que la vida es demasiado corta para no aprovecharla y por esto decidió emprender un viaje en compañía de su hija.

La mujer habló con el diario británico Daily Mail y dijo que “la parte más difícil es tomar la decisión y empacar tu vida”.

Uno de los retos más importantes que han tenido que enfrentar juntas es la educación de Emmie, que aprende gracias a un sistema de educación virtual, diseñado especialmente para estudiantes que por motivos de salud, ubicación geográfica o circunstancias extraordinarias no pueden ir a la escuela.

Según esta valiente madre, viajar es más fácil de lo que mucha gente piensa, pues aunque la mayoría de personas sienten temor de dejar su vida para emprender un viaje, esta mujer demuestra que es posible lograrlo.

Sentirse libre y poder compartir cada nueva aventura juntas es increíble” contó Evie.

Si usted está pensando en tomar la decisión de hacer un largo y lejano viaje, puede contactar a Evie a través de su blog Mumpack Travel y seguir las aventuras de esta pareja en Instagram.

Here's a pic I love from Jiuzhaigou, while I wait for Emmie to wake up so we can explore Beijing and work up an appetite for the DUCK! 🐤🐤 It must be about 15 years ago that I was in Beijing with my friend George who inspired me to take this big trip with Emmie. We were on our way to Mongolia, oh my gosh it was such a fun and FUNNY trip, George was so hilarious 💕. I have so many memories of Mongolia, (deliriously waiting by an old drum on the river to buy smoked fish, dancing in our thermal undies – there are videos of that somewhere 😂😂😂) and it was so remote then and we just made our way around the desert in an old Russian combi van, avoiding eating stinky mutton and washing in rivers. I think we survived on the Snickers bars we would occasionally find in random stores – nomadic people don't have many operating towns!! George passed away just over a year ago and I think of her almost every day, and even moreso now I'm in Beijing and especially when I will be eating the Peking Duck – we had quite a few here and in our travels and I can picture us racing through the pancakes! 💙💙💙

A photo posted by Travel Bloggers🌴 Evie & Emmie (@mumpacktravel) on

Farewell beautiful Shanghai Disneyland and thank you for an incredible visit! 13 hours in the park yesterday including three turns on the Camp Discovery rope course. It was like a commando exercise session which was unexpected and bloody painful as well as sweaty. Of course Em just flitted across all challenges while I wobbled along ropes, with legs shaking and arms burning, and around narrow waterfall ledges, clinging from rock fragments and inching forwards on my toes…and omg I had a massive stack on a rope ladder and ended up on my bum and everyone was delighted. Last night we also had an incredible spot to watch the fireworks and projections and I have never seen anything like it – incredible, an entire show in itself. We check out in an hour, the room is a mess and I have just grabbed a room in Shanghai for two days to check out the Bund and the architecture and figure out our next move! 💙💙💙

A photo posted by Travel Bloggers🌴 Evie & Emmie (@mumpacktravel) on