La joven tiene más de 124 mil seguidores en su cuenta de la red social, a los que suele compartir ejercicios, recetas y métodos para llevar una vida sana, además de algunos fragmentos de su vida privada, proceso de embarazo y nacimiento de su hijo, informó Us Magazine.

Durante todo su embarazo publicó imágenes de su cuerpo, para mostrarle a sus seguidores el crecimiento de su barriga, que como cualquier otra mujer embarazada, es motivo de orgullo. Pero cuando empezó a compartir imágenes de su cuerpo a las 24 semanas de embarazo, la gente empezó a dirigir sus comentarios al tamaño de su barriga.

#BumpUpdate | #41Weeks Look, Coconut, I can understand why you think your Mum is a bit of a legend, {you’re not the only one} and you don’t think there could be anyone or anything cooler than me on the outside, but I promise it’s way funner out here so, please come out soon! We want to meet you! No but seriously, at this stage, if I’m not laughing about it, I’ll cry about it. This has been the longest week of my life. Reading some of the comments this week, has made me feel like I have been misleading you, with comments like, “You are so patient” “You’ve handled this with such grace” etc, Uhhh… I have cried every second day and chucked some pretty good hissy fits in the last month, just ask my husband. I’m so impatient and desperate to meet my baby and mixed with the hormones you’re gifted with, it’s been quite the rollercoaster. Im full of anticipation for the huge event ahead. I haven’t had my usual outlet of training for over 2 months now. I am filled to the brim with arms and legs, kicking and poking me, I dont sleep for more than 1-2 hours a go. If I do try to get out of the house, despite wearing my “I don’t really want to talk about it” face, I STILL get the “OMG you’re huge!” “Are you having twins?” “WOW you’re STILL pregnant?!” comments that make me want to curl up into a ball and cry right then and there. So then I just go back to my {safe} house and get on my exercise ball. {PLEASE save your advice on how to go into labor, I’ve done everything and am now just trusting the process!} I am always trying to keep a positive attitude with anything life throws at me. My positive perspectives are what I love to share with you guys, but its also important to realise that Instagram is a highlight reel and just because it seems someone has it all together, doesnt always mean that we have. I don’t want to seem ungrateful for our little miracle. I just want to be upfront, especially with the Mama Bears who are sharing this time with me or just about to go through the last little bit. Bottom line is {This will be the most rewarding thing I will ever do, but growing a human is hard!} PS Thanks for your continued love and sweet messages, we feel it 💕

A photo posted by Revie Jane Schulz (@reviejane) on

Su bebé creció rápidamente y sobresalió de su cuerpo, de modo que varios de sus usuarios empezaron a criticarla.

Unos le decían que tenía un cuerpo desfigurado, otros que tenía una barriga muy grande y otros cuantos se burlaron de la forma de su cuerpo, haciéndola sentir como blanco de críticas.

Tras ver los cientos de comentarios, Schulz respondió a los críticos y dijo que a pesar de todo, cada persona debe ser aceptada con sus diferencias y que lo más importante es que cada mujer se sienta cómoda durante cada etapa de su vida.

Ahora, varias semanas después del nacimiento de su hijo, se ha dedicado a recuperar su figura de forma saludable para lograr ser un ejemplo para sus seguidores.

#BumpUpdate | #38Weeks 💗💙 I am that excited I can barely sleep. I get to meet our little bundle of love in about 2 weeks, {Yes, it could be today, yes it could be 3+ weeks, just keeping it approximate} I am feeling so very grateful! 🌷 Grateful for my amazing network of women who have been so supportive and excited for this journey Im about to embark on. 🐨Grateful for the country I live in > the hospitals > midwives > doctors that we have available to ensure we have a safe arrival. 👼🏼Grateful for my family who have been popping in and making sure I’m entertained, fed, rested etc. 👯Grateful for the most amazing and loving community and Coaches of CrossFit Babes Miami. 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 And grateful for my best friend /Husband Clayton who is just so stoked to be having a baby it makes my heart sing. // I’m impatient at the best of times but this, this wait, in the last week or so, has just been killing me. I am trying to lap up the last days of being just me, as much as I can. I hear you mama's out there, loud and clear, advising me- take the time now to rest and making the most of the last days before bub but did I mention I’m impatient? I have been sitting in my pool, napping, watching KUWK, then napping again, all the luxuries I may not be doing for quite some time { BUT } my mind and heart are just longing to hold this little soul. I day dream all day long about the day I meet him or her. Eeeep! I have been having Braxton Hicks Contractions. When I feel the oncoming “discomfort” I know it’s preparing me/ bringing me closer to our bub, so I get excited! I feel like they’re teasing me! Anyway, thanks for coming a long for the ride! All of our waiting will be worth it any day now Coconut 😍 Love, xo

A photo posted by Revie Jane Schulz (@reviejane) on