El hombre compartió el video en Instagram y lo acompañó de un texto en el que contaba que, debido al agua tan fría, sus ojos se congelaron y perdió capacidad de visión.

Jason agregó que lo anterior hizo que se desorientara y no pudiera encontrar el hoyo desde donde entró al lago. Asimismo, el ‘tiktoker’ señaló que, en su desespero, intentó romper el hielo con su espalda, pero no lo logró.

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Al final, como se ve en las imágenes, el hombre corrió con la suerte de encontrar el hoyo.

Abby Mcdonald, la novia de Jason, fue quien grabó el video; según la publicación del ‘influenciador’, ella “no reconoció la gravedad de la situación” porque pensó que era solo una broma.

Este es el video:

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I have never been this close to dying. I didn’t think my eyeballs would freeze so quick. The surface of the water where the hole was didn’t look any different than the bottom of the ice. When I flipped around and felt solid ice I thought I was at the hole. When I wasn’t that’s when I decided to head back and follow the dust I kicked up. The dust I kicked up had drifted and led me further away. I then tried to break the ice with my back, you can see in the video. I don’t know what made me turn around one last time. I was so short on breath I couldn’t really see anymore. I had accepted that was it and I wasn’t going to make it. I swung my hand at what I though was just a lighter spot of ice and my hand came through. I then got a ton of energy to stand up. It took 2-3 breaths to regain my vision after resurfacing. Aftermath is in the other video. 📷: @abbytodolist was filming. When there are scary moments I joke a lot. She genuinely thought it was another one of my jokes and didn’t recognize the severity of the situation.

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