En la pieza audiovisual, que tiene una duración de 3:40, la artista aparece con un ajustado traje de latex, de color rojo, en sugestivas poses y en varias tomas sale acompañada de su madre Tish Cyrus.

Miley aprovecha para destrozar estereotipos de belleza, al mostrar a Angelina Duplisea, modelo de talles grandes, pero también aparecen celebridades como Vendela, Amazon Ashley, Casil McArthur, Paige Fralix y Aaron Philip.

El video de ‘Mother’s daughter’, cuyo título traducido del inglés significa ‘Hija de su madre’, fue dirigido por Alexandre Moors.

Lee También

“Cyrus compone un relato de empoderamiento femenino, con mensajes incrustados como ‘La virginidad es una construcción social’, ‘Soy libre’, ‘No soy un objeto’ o ‘Eres bella'”, manifestó la agencia EFE.

La campaña de expectativa de Miley se centró en su cuenta de Instagram en donde divulgó fotografías de los personajes que salen en el video junto a inspiradores mensajes.

A continuación, el nuevo video musical de Miley Cyrus y que ya cuenta con más de 4 millones de reproducciones en YouTube, y algunas fotografías previas al lanzamiento de este:

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“So pretty much in my every day life I tend to express my freedom through my fashion – it’s like my voice because I don’t like to say too much I like to leave everything open for interpretation. Thankfully i don’t really have to fight for my freedom but for those who do I definitely speak out and continuously rock out for them hoping to inspire the next girl like me. Activism to me is pushing the agenda of staying true to yourself and keeping it G (genuine) – I feel like if I continue to showcase and spread my message/story it’ll reach the masses. Activism is a group effort to keep it simple especially for social change more people should start within before getting involved imo – lots of biased/ skewed beliefs due to social media – start at home! If your words aren’t coming from the heart or a reliable source (not twitter!) who are you helping? Women like me young and old give me the hope to continue the fight for our freedom as dark skin women in the world! #BlackGirlsROCK” – Trydryn Scott

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“I've always been a fighter. Maybe not always in the most productive way, but fighting for myself, a friend or even for a stranger who is being bullied has always been a part of my personality. Fat acceptance is based on the notion that all fat people, regardless of health, deserve respect. And it's a battle that is fought every day by thousands, including myself. Social media's accessibility allows us to peek in on others living their lives, but too often the conversation turns negative when there are fat bodies involved. People just love to leave awful comments on fat folks photos in order to feel superior and I promise you, not one of these commenters actually cares about the health, family, environment or whatever bullshit reason they give for their vile behavior towards a fat person. And really, how in the hell does health matter in the context of someone just posting a photo of themselves feeling happy and confident? (HINT: it doesn't matter, stop pretending like it does) Next time you see a fat person posting pictures of themselves living their life, stop and ask yourself why you wish to spoil their joy. I guarantee that you can't come up with a valid reason that isn't based in your own ego gratification. Stop it and do better! We humans have a lot to learn, but we can start by fighting our personal biases and permitting people of all genders, races, sexualities, sizes, abilities and health levels to live harassment-free lives. Don't fuck with their freedom to feel happy and beautiful right now, not just when society says it’s ok.” – Angelina Duplisea @anactingangel

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