En diálogo con el diario New York Post, Mitchell que desde niña soñó con ser ‘stripper’, pero que la doctrina religiosa de su familia logró cambiar sus planes, aunque más por aparentar.

“Fui adoctrinada para creer que mis deseos y mi cuerpo eran innatamente pecaminosos y malos”, expresó la mujer al mismo medio.

“Me enseñaron que a las mujeres no se les permite liderar y que las mujeres deben estar en la cocina y con los niños… Así que aunque iba en contra de todo lo que me dijeron, decidí convertirme en pastora por mi amor por la actuación”, agregó Mitchell.

En el año 2011, la ahora modelo para adultos fue junto a su exesposo y padre de sus 3 hijos, a la megaiglesia evangelizadora en St. Paul, Minnesota. Desde entonces, empezó a destacar entre la comunidad porque siempre le hacía una pregunta al pastor.

Años después le ofrecieron ser pastora semanal, pero para ese mismo tiempo “descubrió su verdadera identidad” al asistir a una obra de teatro orientada a la comunidad LGBT.

Para el 4 de julio de 2017 debía dar su primer sermón de fin de semana, pero no apareció porque estaba viviendo “una vida muy engañosa”, pues para ese momento ya se identificaba como bisexual y pansexual, detalla The New York Post.

Lee También

Unos meses después, Mitchell apareció públicamente en un video de YouTube en el que declaró que no sería más pastora y que era una ‘queer’, terminó en inglés que se usa para hablar sobre una identidad sexual que no corresponde a las ideas establecidas de sexualidad y género.

Luego, hizo sus primeras sesiones de fotos desnuda y ahora vive de su cuenta de Only Fans, donde publica fotos y videos explícitos a cambio de dinero.

“Comencé muy tímida como solo fotos en ‘topless’, pero ahora estoy en el punto en el que tomo solicitudes personales y hago videos muy adaptados a los deseos específicos de las personas”, dijo Mitchell al rotativo estadounidense.

Incluso, relató que estuvo a punto de tener sexo con un desconocido que le ofreció miles de dólares, pero que la oferta se cayó porque la pandemia del coronavirus explotó.

“Toda persona tiene derecho a expresarse de la manera que le parezca bien y así es como me siento bien… Mi sexualidad es increíblemente sanadora y sagrada, cuando le doy este regalo a la gente, los bendice”, finalizó en ese diario Nikole Mitchell, para quien desnudarse es igual de sagrado a sus días como pastora.

A continuación, algunas fotos de la pastora que dejó la iglesia para convertirse en modelo para adultos:

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Ahh! The New York Post picked up my story!! And it’s true: I have never been more at home in my power, in my radiance, and in my divine essence. And I have never been happier. If I can sum up what I’ve learned these past 4 years in coming home to myself, it’s this: -> You can trust yourself. I know there are a lot of voices that have a lot of opinions on what you should and should not do, should and should not be, but you are the only one who knows who you came here to be. Trust yourself, listen to yourself, and BE yourself. The world will adjust. -> God goes with you. If you left the church like I did, you didn’t leave God behind. God went with you and will continue to go before you, stay beside you, and close all things behind you. God’s got you, boo. -> Life is beautiful on the other side. It’s scary to step into the unknown. We’ve been taught to fear ourselves, fear our desires, and fear the nudges of our hearts. But I’m telling you – your desires are leading you to a place that is so beautiful and expansive and free, you’ll be SO GLAD you took that leap of faith. Life really does get better. ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you to everyone who has loved and supported me, both on this journey and in the publishing of my story! I am so humbled, honored, and grateful. You truly make the world a beautiful place.☺️❤️ ❤️❤️❤️ You can read the article in my bio! ❤️❤️❤️ (Huge thanks to @makka_rena and @nypost for sharing my story!)

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I got some sizzling news for you. All month long I've been praying about what to offer you & what would best serve and support you. I could tell God was up to something, & I was trying to tune in & figure out what that was (not that God was being mysterious; it was just me getting up all in my head about it) & then on a call with my coach last week, the perfect offer came together! AND I AM SO FREAKING STOKED!!!! (Like, God is a genius; I love co-creating with him/her/them). We are coming up on the final 3 months of 2020. And we all know this year has been one for the books! With a global pandemic, anxiety and depression stats through the roof, mass layoffs, systemic racism & oppression rampant as ever, there has been A LOT of shifting & changing & rearranging. And it's understandable to want to throw your hat in and call it quits. But I don't want that to be you. I don't want this to be the end of your story. –> I want you to still have the most magical year yet (this year ain't even close to being over). –> I want you to experience the most love, happiness, success, & abundance to date. –> I want you to step powerfully into your identity as co-creator of your life & DECIDE how this year will end for you. I want you to have it all – precisely because it's 2020! This is why I am so stoked to introduce to you: Unfuckwithable – a 14 week journey to taking your power back and turning 2020 into the year of your dreams! I am so excited!!!! I want to give you the tools and support that will help you unlock new levels of success, happiness, & abundance NOW and that's exactly what Unfuckwithable is all about!!! – You get WEEKLY modules (wha??). – You get WEEKLY live calls (amazing!). – You get UNLIMITED access to and support from me (freakin priceless). All the way through to the end of 2020! In order to turn 2020 into the year of your dreams. I am so, so stoked to offer you this!!!! And as if that wasn't enough, when you pay in full, you get one of my absolute favorite courses for FREE!! This is THE MOST PACKED OFFER I have ever created and it's 75% off!!!! Go check it out now!!! Link is in my bio!!!! 📸: @tapemywildsideofficial

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What no one can take away from you is your ability to manifest. No matter what you've been through… No matter the odds before you… You CAN overcome. You CAN rise up. You CAN call in the desires of your heart. The real tragedy would be for you to be convinced that somehow you're powerless. YOU ARE NOT POWERLESS. You are motherfucking powerful!!! So powerful that you have the ability to create ANY reality you want. One where you're happy or sad. Rich or poor. Lonely or loved. Unstoppable or disempowered. The choice is yours. This is why Mastering the Art of Manifestation is so revolutionary. It gives you your power back. It brings you home to who you really are. And once that happens… you WILL become all you're meant to be. Your dreams start coming true. More money starts pouring in. Opportunities fall into your lap. Inspired ideas pop into your head. Humans go out of their way to help you. All of a sudden, everywhere you go, magic flows. THAT'S what is available to you TODAY. That's what this course will unlock for you. The content and teachings inside this course will become lifelong tools that will forever shape the course of your life. Want to levelup? Learn how to manifest. Want more money? Learn how to manifest. Want once-in-a-lifetime opportunities? Learn how to manifest. Anything and everything you want will come about when you know how to manifest. It's the answer you've been praying for and it's here in its fullness. Hit the link in my bio to join me inside Mastering the Art of Manifestation – where YOU will become all you're meant to be and you'll master the ability to call in everything you want with absolute certainty and ease. Enrollment closes tonight.❤️ Love you and SO thrilled to join you in this. Here's to YOU and your manifestation powers. 📸: @hannahsanfordart

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