Con su aplicación para móviles, botellas de agua, guía de ejercicios y colchonetas para hacer ejercicio, seguramente, dice ‘The New York Times’, ella es mucho más rica que cualquier mujer de su edad, 24 años.

La definición de sus abdominales es tan aguda que, dice el periódico, que usted podría cortarse sobre ellos.

“Sus fotos de abdominales -posiblemente el único de los mensajes que podría inspirar un complejo de inferioridad- rara vez muestran su cara, sólo un torso en una cama o en el suelo”, dice ‘The New York Times’.

Así como no se sabe nada de sus finanzas, tampoco deja ver información sobre ella o cómo vive, lo que la hace una celebridad atípica de redes sociales.

El periódico menciona que sus críticos (malquerientes, en realidad) dicen que su libro, ‘Bikini Body Guide’, “sugiere que solo hay un tipo de cuerpo, el suyo, quizás”, y que su dieta vegetariana, estaba “matando de hambre a sus seguidores con su dieta de 1.400 a 1.600 calorías diarias”.

La joven, además de publicar cientas de imágenes de las transformaciones de sus clientas, dedica varios espacios a enviar mensajes ‘inspiracionales’, que le han ganar miles de seguidoras que incluso han llegado a considerarla como un ídolo.

A pesar de las críticas, es claro que Itsiness ha logrado sacarle provecho al éxito de forma muy distinta a como lo hacen otras celebridades virales.

Le dejamos 10 frases inspiracionales de la entrenadora que ha cambiado la vida de millones de mujeres, además de la suya.

Usted puede hacer todas las píldoras de pérdida de grasa, batidos y dietas que desee, pero esto no quiere decir nada, porque es la sensación de la obtención de su cuerpo lo que hace que el viaje valga la pena”.

People need to understand that when it comes to your body and your health, it's not the 'finish line' that matters. It's the journey that you went on to get there that matters most. Yes, it's great to have goals and achieve them, for sure… but you need to earn it to appreciate it. You can do ALL the fat loss pills, shakes and shred diets that you want…. but it's doesn't mean anything because it's the FEELING of EARNING your body that makes the journey worth it. Knowing exactly what it means to work HARD for what you want and getting it. I can tell you now, the best feeling in the world is looking back on your journey and remembering every moment…..every sweat drop, every sore muscle, every mistake, learning things about yourself, meeting new people …and really seeing what YOU can do with YOUR body. Pushing yourself to the limit physically, emotionally and mentally. THAT feeling, is the best feeling in the world. So don't try and rush your goals, to speed them up or to cheat your way there. Because at the end of the day….. #youcantfakefitness

A photo posted by Kayla Itsines (@kayla_itsines) on

Cambie su modo de pensar. Piense en lo lejos que han llegado en lugar de la distancia que le falta por recorrer”.

El hecho de que usted no es la persona que desea ser ahora, no quiere decir que no tiene lo que se necesita”.

Just because you aren't where you want to be now, doesn't mean you don't have what it takes.

A photo posted by Kayla Itsines (@kayla_itsines) on

Las niñas que usan maquillaje al gimnasio , tenemos que hablar. Les recomiendo que traten de no usar base cuando se esté ejercitando . Puede intentar limpiar el rostro, o al menos la base de maquillaje antes de hacer ejercicio”.

Girls who wear makeup to the gym, we need to talk. ☝️ There's 10000 reasons why women wear makeup and it's perfectly fine if you want to .. BUT.. ladies, I recommend you try NOT to wear foundation when you are working out. If you can, try and wash your makeup off, or at least your foundation, before working out. As you sweat, thick make up may lock toxins under your skin, clogging up your pores. Sometimes, this can cause you to break out 😞. ✅Things like waterproof mascara, eyeliner or even lipstick are not so bad, but try to avoid clogging your pores before or after a workout by letting your skin breathe 🙏 I know a lot of girls are self conscious of their skin, but doing little things like washing your face after a workout, using a good moisturiser, drinking more water, changing your pillow case regularly and allowing your skin to breathe will help SO MUCH! ✅

A photo posted by Kayla Itsines (@kayla_itsines) on

Me siento exitosa porque creo en mí misma y en lo que hago. Creo que el logro es tener confianza en sí mismo. Practico lo que predico y nunca me rindo”.

I feel successful because I believe in myself and what I do. I believe the achievement is having belief in yourself. I practice what I preach and I never give up. I don’t put myself on a pedestal or think I'm better than anyone because I know I couldn’t have done this without the support of my family. As a kid, no matter how busy my dad was, he was at every single one of my basketball games. No matter how tired my mum was, she always had home cooked meals on the table, our clothes washed and the house cleaned. No matter how angry my sister was at me, she would always be there when I needed her. …..and no matter how much I achieve in my life, it would mean absolutely nothing without my family. There were so many people who were sceptical about me making a career out of personal training …that's why I'm so happy and so blessed to have met Tobi because he made my dreams come true. He told me to follow my heart and to follow my dreams and has been there every step of the way. My partner in business and in life 💜 So if you have something that you want to do or somewhere that you want to be, follow your dreams because you are already equipped with exactly what you need to be the person you are suppose to become. And don’t let anyone tell you that you cant do something because you can. ✅

A photo posted by Kayla Itsines (@kayla_itsines) on

Usted no tiene que demostrar nada a nadie sobre cómo luce. Fingir una foto de su progreso (o exagar) sólo va a afectar a poco su forma de pensar”.

So if you didn't already see…. this is what's making news. "30 second transformation photos". So I did one myself…. but not for the reason you think. I think this can send a strong, positive and powerful message. I'll tell you why. 👊 I don't know what girls are trying to prove by doing this, maybe it's the whole "don't flex all the time" thing, but this is what I think. At the end of the day, it's not about what you LOOK LIKE on the outside, it's what you FEEL on the inside. Physical change and being strong and fit is important, yes. However, being healthy, happy and confident is actually the most important thing. You don't have to prove ANYTHING to anyone by the way you look. You don't have to push your stomach out, make your legs look bigger or stand a certain way to look "bad" to try and make your transformation better. Honestly, every single photo and transformation is amazing. But that happiness won't last as long as the happiness of health and confidence. Faking a progress photo (or exaggerating one) is only going to poorly affect your mindset. All the BBG community are amazing because they are strong, healthy women… and women are amazing. They have worked DAMN hard to get where they want to be physically and mentally, so they don't have to prove to anything to anyone. You can be real with your followers, of course, but don't try and make yourself look bad to prove a point. Who cares if you have had a bad eating day, you look bloated, you have your period, you have a 'food baby'… it doesn't matter. If you FEEL good about yourself on the inside and you LOVE and accept yourself and are PROUD of what you have achieved, then that's all you need. Post a photo of your body and be proud. Don't try to overstate your appearance. You should be telling the world how much better you FEEL! Add a big smile in that photo. You don't need to show anyone how you can stand a special way and look amazing, YOU ALWAYS LOOK AMAZING! Please understand this. People are inspired by YOU because you inspire them with your ATTITUDE towards life. It doesn't MATTER what you look like…. because your real beauty ….shines from within. ✅

A photo posted by Kayla Itsines (@kayla_itsines) on

Es normal rendirse a mitad de camino. Es normal comer comida chatarra. Es normal dejar de hacer ejercicio durante semanas. Todo esto no es algo que sólo usted hace”.

Para algunas personas hacer ejercicio no se trata solo de perder grandes cantidades de peso. A veces se trata de ganar fuerza, sentirse seguros, estar saludable y sentirse en forma”.

Estoy aquí para decirle a usted que está bien no ser del agrado de todos. Está bien no ser aceptado”.

It doesn't matter what you do, who you are, what you provide or how good of a person you are…. there will be always be someone somewhere that doesn't like you. It doesn't matter what the reason is, but that person, or those people will exist.  I'm here to say to you, that's okay. It's okay to not be liked by everyone. It's okay to not be accepted. It's okay to want to change the world. Its okay to be passionate and it's OKAY to be who YOU want to be. You don't have to change ANYTHING about yourself to please other people. My dad once said to me… "If you stop doing everything you love because someone else doesn't like it, you will never be happy. You will only live your life to please others and NEVER be happy within yourself". So my advice, BE YOU and be proud of who you are and what you are doing with your life. BE strong and stick to your morals. Be the BEST person that you can be and follow your dreams because NO ONE can achieve them for you. Work out what you want to do in life and where you want to be. Me personally, I want to change the world. I want help women all over the globe learn to focus on how they feel and NOT how they look. I want women to be strong, to be happy and to work as A TEAM to inspire and motivated one another. I want to revolutionise the fitness industry and grow a global community of fit, healthy, confident and passionately happy women. This is my dream for women and I won't ever EVER stop trying to help.

A photo posted by Kayla Itsines (@kayla_itsines) on

La felicidad es un trabajo interior”.

Happiness is an inside job ✅

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