Duncan es reconocida en redes por su cuerpo tonificado, musculoso y dieta rigurosa que no abandonó durante sus 9 meses de embarazo, informó Publimetro.

Además de haber sido criticada por muchos que temían por la vida del bebé, la entrenadora ha sido el blanco de comentarios negativos recientes que surgieron entre sus seguidores luego de publicar una fotografía de su nuevo cuerpo 13 días después de haber dado a luz a Miah.

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En esta, aparece frente a un espejo sosteniendo al pequeño con una mano mientras se toma una ‘selfie’ con la otra.

To my snappers the crop from this mornings walk is from @lornajaneactive its a new one so should still be available. It's not a maternity crop but the straps can be unclipped so you can slide your arm out easily. It's a support crop so 👌🏽 perfect for larger jugs 🍻 Today little Miah is 13 days old & my c-section incision is healing nicely. It's larger then a normal one due to the doctors struggling to get Miah out at the time of my operation where my core held him in very tightly. Scar, stretch marks, wider hips, heavy "not so perky" jugs WHO CARES I have a baby & though I was very lucky to not have many of those I did receive a large scar which I am very proud of ☺️ Today is visiting day!!!!! #lornajane

A photo posted by 🇦🇺🇳🇿SnapChat👉🏽 ChontelDuncan (@chontelduncan) on

Entre los más de 3 mil comentarios con los que cuenta la imagen, hay varios que han criticado a Duncan por tener poco cuidado con el bebé.

Pobre bebé!”

Debió haber sostenido al bebé de mejor manera”.

Me preocupa ver cómo está sosteniendo al bebé”.

A los pocos días de haber publicado la controversial foto, la nueva madre contestó a los cientos de seguidores que pusieron en duda su rol de mamá a través de una imagen en la que escribió:

Vuelvo a publicar esta imagen debido a la gran cantidad de comentarios tontos. Lo siento pero no voy a ser amable sobre lo que pienso acerca de su menosprecio y ganas de intentar educarme sobre la seguridad y las intenciones de ser una nueva mamá. Como lo expliqué antes, Miah levantó la cabeza por un segundo y luego la puso sobre mi pecho, cosa que hacen los recién nacidos. Si no les gusta mi página dejen de seguirme”.

Reposting this due to the number of dumb dumbs ripping on my first image… Sorry but I'm not going to be nice about what I think about your belittling attempts to educate me on the safety or better yet my intentions as a new mum. Anyways… It's easier to repost then to tag everyone considering the comments are over the thousand. As explained earlier Miah lifted his head up an for that second that he did so, I just happened to have caught it on camera, before he then laid his head back down on my chest. New borns can lift their own heads up its not me standing there with his head flicked back shooting away… So have faith people and if you honestly don't like my page just CLICK UNFOLLOW!!!!! As I've always said, any negative comments will be deleted and I will block you!

A photo posted by 🇦🇺🇳🇿SnapChat👉🏽 ChontelDuncan (@chontelduncan) on

BUMP UPDATE🍼 "25 weeks" 3 months to go 👉🏽 15 weeks to go 👉🏽105 days to go 👉🏽 2520 hours to go & I will have my little baby "Little D" This bump of mine is HUGE, it's limiting some movements while completely restricting others. I haven't however felt sick, tired or hormonal/emotional yet, so counting my blessings everyday. I honestly don't believe in the whole you'll carry "this way" & you aren't "sick" because you're having a boy, or you "will breeze through labour" because you are athletic, or "your baby will be small" because you aren't showing much, or if you drink this special tea or eat this particular fruit you'll deliver on time blah blah blah… There is no consistency with any of it & I've seen the fittest women have to go for a C-Section, I've had friends be more sick carrying their boys then they ever were carrying their girl, I've had lean bodybuilding friends be told their baby is small but come out 10 pounds. Do people like to believe certain things with pregnancy to put their mind at ease? It takes so much to convince me and I rarely believe anything I see or hear unless it's completely black and white in front of me with solid ground proof. I was 10 pound 10 ounces (60cm long) natural birth & my husband was in the 8 pounds but with such a huge head he was delivered as an emergency C-section. Will I be delivering a tiny new born or a over cooked 3 month old with a cracker of a head? Who knows lol Someone did say all sons end up taller then their mothers… So far everyone I've asked makes this seem true. Is there any of my Grammers who can prove this theory wrong? See I'm 186cm tall 😳 and my short husband is as solid as they come, so this son of mine could potentially get Sam's build and be taller then me, dominating my husband😂 Been playing games with Little D, asking him to kick once if he likes mummy better then dad or kick twice for Dad more then mum. Cheeky bugger actually kicks on point most times and dad seems to keep winning the game 😏 👉🏽TO READ THE REST OF MY CAPTION CLICK THE LINK IN MY BIO TO MY FACEBOOK PAGE. IG DOES'NT ALLOW LONG CAPTIONS 😘

A photo posted by 🇦🇺🇳🇿SnapChat👉🏽 ChontelDuncan (@chontelduncan) on