La famosa modelo Tess Holliday que ha revolucionado la industria por romper con los esquemas decidió compartir con sus más de 1.2 millones de seguidores una de las etapas más emocionantes de su vida, sin embargo, ha recibido comentarios que apuntan hacia su sobrepeso.

Having another baby has been a beautiful process & at times, frustrating. As I enter my 8th month, my body overall looks the same other than my belly & I'm okay with that. What I've had to be learn to be okay with (WHICH IS NOT COOL) is the fact that people still think it's okay to comment on my body: "you don't look pregnant", "you must be have quadruplets", "you are putting your baby at risk" & a slew of other uneducated statements that are very far from my reality 🙄. When "celebrities" are pregnant in the press, they look glamorous, toned & are eager to talk about how they are going to get the baby weight off. While I've done my best to look as put together as possible, that's not real life, & it's not for most women. I'm not the first plus size woman in the public eye to have a baby & share it with the world, & I certainly won't be the last. However I'm part of a small minority that's telling you it's okay to not have a perfect baby bump, or not show at all, to be plus size & have a healthy child, & most importantly to find a care provider that doesn't shame you about your size. It's also okay to tell someone to fuck off when they give you unsolicited advice about what's "best" for you & your baby. As women, we know what's best & that's our business.. No one else's. 👑 #effyourbeautystandards #theresnowrongwaytobeawoman #32weeks #babyhollidayontheway

A photo posted by Plus Model | Mom | Feminist🌹 (@tessholliday) on

Algunos de los usuarios de la red social no temen decir lo que piensan en tono burlesco y despectivo.

Esto no es saludable, me haces sentir preocupada por el bebé”.

¿El bebé de quién te comiste?”.

Creo que debería hacer ejercicio, tener una dieta baja en calorías y hacer mucho ejercicio ahora que está embarazada…no es un consejo sabio”.

Luego de verse presionada y duramente criticada por varios de sus seguidores, Holliday decidió enviar un mensaje contundente a aquellos que han intentado herirla por su físico.

He tenido que aprender a estar bien con el hecho de que las personas todavía piensan que está bien hacer comentarios sobre mi cuerpo como “no se ve embarazada”, “va a tener cuatrillizos” “está poniendo en riesgo a su bebé” y otros sin educación que están muy lejos de mi realidad.

No soy la primera mujer de talla grande en el ojo público para tener un bebé y compartirlo con el mundo, y sin duda no será la última”.

El portal La República retomó una entrevista reciente, en la que aseguró que su bebé no está en riesgo a pesar de su eso, pues se alimenta de forma saludable, mantiene un buen estilo de vida y hace ejercicio regular.

Post workout stretches w/ my amazing trainer @mackfit 🙌🏼 I stay active for me, & only me. It's not about proving anything or trying to lose weight, it's about what makes ME happy! Our society is so engrained to think that all bodies (especially bigger ones) shouldn't be respected & appreciated, it's heartbreaking. We ALL deserve to be treated with dignity regardless of our size, gender, race, sexual orientation, abilities, etc., & should demand that of those around us. When people criticize or belittle us it says more about them than us, remember that, Don't let anyone dull your shine or underestimate what you are capable of 👊🏼 #FUCKyourbeautystandards #mackfit #25weekspregnant #honormycurves #hogwarts

A photo posted by Plus Model | Mom | Feminist🌹 (@tessholliday) on