5 ejercicios de gimnasio básicos que probablemente está haciendo mal

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Tiempo de lectura: 10 min

Zancadas, sentadillas, planchas, flexiones de brazos y levantamiento frontal con mancuernas.

Para obtener buenos resultados y evitar que el cuerpo haga esfuerzos inútiles, lo cual puede generar lesiones, es importante conocer la postura adecuada de cada movimiento y la posición de cada parte del cuerpo.

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Por ello, el entrenador e ‘instagramer’ australiano Chris Duncan comparte imágenes en su cuenta con las que muestra la forma equivocada y correcta de realizar distintos tipos de movimientos a la hora de entrenar.


La pierna que va adelante debe estar totalmente derecha y la rodilla al mismo nivel que los dedos del pie, esto le da una mayor resistencia al tobillo.

LUNGE CORRECTION 🕵️ – I see beginners/people doing group fitness doing this all the time. Pretty easy to get wrong. – ❌ Knee traveling inward ❌ Ankle collapsing inward ❌ Will become primary pattern if not fixed ❌ Can eventually lead to injury – HOW YOU SHOULD LUNGE – ✅ Knee travelling forward (same direction as toes) ✅ Ankle in a more stable position ✅ Using the appropriate muscle groups ✅ Safer movement and will reduce chance of injury – 🙋‍♂️COMMENT below if you have a video request or suggestion. • ❤️TURN ON Post Notifications • 🗣TAG a friend that needs to see this.

Una publicación compartida de Chris Duncan (@chrisduncanfitness) el

LUNGE CORRECTION PT.2 🕵️ – My last post touched on knee positioning. But this one is almost as common. The position of your spine is crucial for most lower body lifts. Here’s what’s wrong with the left image. – ❌ Spine is flexed which can be dangerous under loads ❌ Shoulders rounded forward/ poor posture ❌ Will become primary pattern if not fixed ❌ Can eventually lead to injury – HOW YOU SHOULD LUNGE – ✅ Spine in a neutral position (straight) ✅ Shoulders sitting correctly ✅ Using the appropriate muscle groups ✅ Safer movement and will reduce chance of injury – 🙋‍♂️COMMENT below if you have a video request or suggestion. • ❤️TURN ON Post Notifications • 🗣TAG a friend that needs to see this.

Una publicación compartida de Chris Duncan (@chrisduncanfitness) el


El error más común, según Duncan, es pensar que las rodillas no pueden ir más allá que los dedos del pie, lo que nos lleva a realizar de forma incorrecta este movimiento. La cola debe ir abajo, la espalda recta y las rodillas completamente flexionadas.

SQUAT CORRECTION PT.2 🕵️ – So in part one we covered butt wink, and something that’s just as common is poor ankle mobility in a squat position. – The photo on the left is something I see ALL the time. Its generally a result of two things. – ❌ People thinking their knees CANNOT travel past their toes. ❌ Poor/average ankle mobility which will literally block them from achieving good depth. ❌ A combination of both these things – A FEW QUICK FIXES – ✅ Spending a good amount of time stretching your ankles and hips. ✅ Practice holding the bottom position of a Squat and moving around in different directions. ✅ Get comfortable and use to your knee travelling over your toe – don’t worry, you won’t die. – Hope this helps. Do you have any more tips for squatting? Comment below ❤️

Una publicación compartida de Chris Duncan (@chrisduncanfitness) el

SQUAT CORRECTION 👨🏻‍🏫 – Butt winks are super common. I see it all the time around the gym and I used to do it myself a lot when I was a little naïve/lazy with my mobility. – Chest dropping down/leaning over is also just as common, usually happens when the weight is either too heavy, or you’re just fatigued and try and pump out too many reps. – A butt wink is when there’s a posterior tilt and your butt curls under at the bottom of the squat. Tight hamstrings is a pretty common cause for butt wink, but not the only one. Everyone’s different so there isn’t really a one size fits all solution. – Something that helped me out was filming myself squatting from the side and back. Often times you can fix the problem just after visually seeing it. – And if you can’t fix it immediately, watching the video will help you pinpoint where exactly you’re going wrong, and from here you can make efforts to fix your specific issue.

Una publicación compartida de Chris Duncan (@chrisduncanfitness) el


La espalda debe estar completamente recta y la cabeza no debe estar levantada ni señalando el piso.

PLANKING PROPERLY ✅ – I used to plank for several minutes at a time and thought I was pretty hardcore. That was until I realised I was doing it all wrong. – When I think about it, I actually used to just hold my own body weight up (probably looking something like the bottom image) without really getting anything out of it. – I would imagine most beginners plank this way and have seen it first hand. Keeping your core tight and engaged is the key to a good plank. – Two tips that helped me tremendously included thinking about getting sucker punched in the gut, and also pretend you’re holding a coin between your butt cheeks. – Finally, focus on breathing down into your belly, not just into your throat, and keeping your spine & neck neutral. Try holding the breath in your core for a little while before breathing out. – It takes a while to ‘get it’ for most people. But these tips alone should help enormously. Try them out & let me know how you go!

Una publicación compartida de Chris Duncan (@chrisduncanfitness) el

Flexiones de brazos

Lo más importante al realizar este movimiento es mantener los codos hacia atrás y no hacia afuera. Importante recordar utilizar la fuerza del abdomen.

Fix Your Form Series | 26 – ✖️PUSH UPS✖️ – 🔍One of the most utilised, but most butchered exercises in all the land. After extensive research and investigation, I’ve managed to track down and hopefully ELIMINATE the three main offenders. – The clips marked with an “❌” are the incorrect examples I ALWAYS see. Lets start with the first offender. – 1️⃣THE NEWBIE – When I was 14 I got called out at footy training for doing push ups like this. Dropping my head to the ground instead of my chest, flaring my elbows out. Terrible, absolutely terrible. It’s really just a combination of weakness and terrible form – 2️⃣THE HUMPER – Ah yes, the humper. Earns its name for good reason. These ‘push ups’ resemble something you’d see your dog doing to an unlucky pillow. Usually a result of little to no strength through the chest and triceps. So instead, the lower back and hips are used to compensate. – 3️⃣THE GROUP FITNESS – Most group fitness classes usually consist of about 45728 reps. Most people either a) don’t know how to do the exercise so will copy the person next to them (who’s also doing it wrong) OR b) will sacrifice form in order to perform as many reps as possible. Instead, slow down, and ask the instructor for assistance. – The video marked with a ✅ is how I perform the exercise & how I teach it to clients. – 1️⃣Position your body with your arms straight out, abs tight, holding your body in a plank position. 2️⃣Hands and arms should be positioned directly below your shoulders, fingers pointed forwards. Shoulders are pushed down away from your ears. 3️⃣Lower your body until your chest is an inch or two above the floor, ‼️elbows pulling back at roughly a 45 degree angle (not 90 dammit)‼️ 4️⃣Push your torso away from the ground until your arms lock, lower yourself back down with control. 5️⃣Repeat for desired number of reps. – 🙋‍♂️COMMENT below if you have a video request or suggestion. • ❤️TURN ON Post Notifications • 🗣TAG a friend that needs to see this.

Una publicación compartida de Chris Duncan (@chrisduncanfitness) el

Levantamiento frontal con mancuernas

El torso debe mantenerse quieto, al igual que la cabeza. Si siente que debe mover la espalda o los hombros, significa que el peso es más del que su cuerpo puede levantar. El movimiento correcto permite una leve flexión de los codos y se debe inhalar y exhalar en cada levantamiento.

Fix Your Form Series | 24 – ✖️FRONT RAISES✖️ – Similarly to lateral raises, this exercise is often performed incorrectly despite it being a good front delt exercise – The clip marked with an “❌” is the incorrect example I see most often & there are several things wrong with it. It may seem slightly exaggerated to some, but this is what I see on a daily basis. – 1️⃣Moving the torso and not keeping the head/shoulder blades and spine in the correct position. 2️⃣Swinging and not staying upright – people will usually do this if the weight is too heavy for their shoulders to handle 3️⃣Locking out at the elbow completely – The video marked with a ✅ is how I perform the exercise & how I teach it to clients. – 1️⃣Hold two dumbbells and place them on the front of the thighs with palms facing towards the body. 2️⃣Lift the dumbbells forwards (through the elbows) and to the front whilst keeping your hands facing downwards/inwards. 3️⃣Exhale breath on the exertion of the movement. 4️⃣Slight bend of the elbow is permitted. 5️⃣‼️Ensure your scapula remains stable‼️ and keep your core tight throughout 6️⃣After a one second contraction at the top, slowly lower the dumbbells back to the starting position with control 7️⃣Repeat for desired number of reps. – 💎BONUS TIP: Take your time with these. Most people seem to rush this exercise (including me in the past) but often times slower is better. Think about creating as much tension as possible on the front delts. – 🙋‍♂️COMMENT below if you have a video request or suggestion. • ❤️TURN ON Post Notifications • 🗣TAG a friend that needs to see this.

Una publicación compartida de Chris Duncan (@chrisduncanfitness) el


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