[Fotos] A través de Instagram, británica muestra recuperación de su anorexia

Tiempo de lectura: 13 min

Durante casi 10 años de los 21 que tiene, Connie Inglis luchó contra esta enfermedad.

Sus trastornos alimenticios era tan graves que tuvo que ser ingresada en tres ocasiones a una clínica especializada, según relata el diario El País. Sin embargo, su vida dio un giro en mayo de 2016 cuando fue dada de alta por última vez, pues decidió hacerle frente al problema y compartir su historia en Instagram.

Su cuenta, my_life_without_ana (mi vida sin anorexia), ya tiene más de 43 mil seguidores y a través de ella ha expuesto su evolución. Ahora, se le ve alegre y orgullosa de su cuerpo.

Aunque afirma que no ha sido fácil el proceso, la ayuda de sus seres queridos ha sido vital para aprender a quererse, valorarse y aceptarse a sí misma.

A lot of people have asking me how I did it. How I recovered so fast… the truth is, I didn’t. An eating disorder is deceptive and horrible. It lures you in and makes you believe that you’d be nothing without it, you wouldn’t survive without it. I used to believe my ed was my best friend but all it ever wanted to do was kill me. In the picture on the left I was 13 and had already been struggling for a long time. 💜 There are 8 years between these photos and in that time I have weight restored and relapsed countless times. I have tormented myself mentally and physically. I told myself I was horrible and unworthy of happiness. I have hated my body. I have starved it, I have hurt it, I have left unmeasurable damage. THIS IS NOT MY LIFE ANYMORE!! After 10 years I finally decided I loved my family and friends more than my illness. I decided that I wasn’t to blame for everything that had happened. I decided that I deserved to be happy!!! So I finally let go… 💜 If your still struggling I am with you every step of the way. If you’ve been going through this for lifetimes and feel useless when you see others getting better, I completely understand. If you feel like your Ed is still taking care of you, I understand but I promise there are better things out there!!! If your not taken seriously because you don’t fit into the typical anorexia box, your struggles are worthy and you deserve to be helped!!! If your turned away because of you weight, skin colour or gender, FIGHT LIKE HELL!! You deserve to be heard!!! 💜 I’m not telling you this for sympathy or to diminish anyone’s struggles!! Everyone’s struggles are valid!! But I want you to know that it is possible!! Yes I still have bad days. I still struggle but I’m stronger now and know that I deserve to be happy! Keep going, it’s going to be the hardest thing you ever do but it’s so worth it! Fight like hell and I’ll be fighting with you!! #positivebeatsperfect

A photo posted by Connie💜🦄Positive.beats.perfect (@my_life_without_ana) on

January 23rd 2016- January 23rd 2017 💙 💙 Firstly I want to say this is not a look how skinny I was or look how well I’ve done post. This is to hopefully show you that no matter how lost you are in your own head, it is possible to escape! It is possible to find happiness again!!! 💙 💙 Secondly you do not have to be this shape, size colour or gender for your struggles to matter! You are always deserving of help if you are struggling!!! 💙 💙 It’s a year ago today since I was sectioned under the mental health act. I was so ill I was doing everything I could think of to not take in ANYTHING. I had given up. My eating disorder had taken over and I wanted to die. So I was sectioned and forced to get better. I was put on an ng tube. I was forced to watch as the scale went up every week and I could do nothing about it. (Not that I didn’t try) I hated everyone who put me through that! I was on drugs that put me out so I wouldn’t hurt myself or anyone else. This time last year I was a mess. 💙 But the people I loved stayed by me. My best friends and my boyfriend came to see me all the time and my parents where there every day. They where there to remind me to try. So I did. Eventually I asked my boyfriend if it was ok if I ate, he told me I should. For the first time in my life I realised that I loved these people more than my ed. so I fought, I fought like hell!!! 💙 💙 I’m not telling you this for sympathy or to diminish anyone’s struggles, (everyone’s struggle is valid!!! No matter how long it takes!!) I was in this for 10 years before I got out. But I want you to know that it is possible!!!!! No not all my problems have gone away. Yes I still have the thoughts. But I am strong enough now to resist! Keep going! You can get through this hell and I will be with you every step of the way!!! We can do this together!!!! 💙💛💜 (I don’t want to answer any questions about weight) #positivebeatsperfect

A photo posted by Connie💜🦄Positive.beats.perfect (@my_life_without_ana) on

Recovering from an eating disorder is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. Anorexia has taken over so much of my life. I’ve been struggling with it for nearly 10 years. There is 8 years between these photos and in that time I have restored weight and relapsed countless times. I have tormented myself mentally and physically. I told myself I was useless, ugly, horrible and unworthy of a good life. I have hated my body. I’ve starved it, I’ve hurt it and I’ve left unmeasurable damage. But not anymore. I will not bully myself anymore. I do still get those urges. The urge to be thinner, to punish myself. But I know that if I give in I would lose so much more than weight. I would lose my friends, my boyfriend, my love of art and photography, my desire to be alive and most of all I would lose myself. But I have come so far in the time between these pictures. I have learnt so much about myself and I’ve grown into a woman I am proud to be. I have finally realised that I am worthy. It doesn’t matter what I look like or what the number on the scale says. It only matters that I grab my life and I enjoy it. Have fun with my friends, love uni, love my boyfriend. BE HAPPY! ‘Bullying takes many forms- sometimes you have to protect you from yourself. Love yourself. Your worth it!’ ♥️♥️♥️ #edcommunity#eatingdisorder#anawho#fuckana#prorecovery#depressed#anxiety#edworrior#edarmy#edfamiliy#realrecovery#mentalillness#edfam#recoveryispossible#anorexianervosa#fuckanorexia#nourishtoflorish#nourishnotpunish#nourishyourbody#fighting#foodblogger#2fab4ana#bodypositive#transformationthursday#beautiful#pisitive#bodyposi#keepgoing#loveyourself

A photo posted by Connie💜🦄Positive.beats.perfect (@my_life_without_ana) on

I am a thin body in the body positivity community. I am also a recovering body. I put my body through a lot because I thought the things society has fought us to hate (belly rolls, spreading thighs, cellulite, stretch marks and body jiggle) made me fat. I know know I was wrong! All these things are beyond normal!!! The only reason we’ve been told there not is so we can buy a product to ‘fix’ it. 💜 💜 I started bopo to show girls in recovery, girls who are my size and have only seen airbrushed or posed bodies. I started this because if I’d seen something like this a few years ago it would have made me happy to know I wasn’t alone in feeling like this! 💜 💜 Bopo wasn’t started for me, it was stated as fat activism and honestly I could never speak for a larger woman or pretend to understand the daily struggle of being shamed for your size. 💜 💜 I am conveniently beautiful and fit into the ‘beauty standard’ (right now, it changes all the time.) I can show you my cellulite, grab my tummy, giggle my stuff and pose in a more ‘attractive position’. I can post a picture in my underwear and only 10% (if that) of the comments will be negative. 💜 💜 But for a bigger woman, a thinner woman, an LGBT woman, a disabled woman, a woman of culture or colour, a man the response would be different. And in my opinion that’s not fair. Everyone should be accepted equally. And I’m not talking health judgement- fat or skinny shaming. I’m taking acceptance!! 💜 💜 So no matter who you are, no matter what you look like I will never turn you away, I will listen, I will learn and I will grow as a person. And if your going to take it from anyone today take it from me… you are worthy, beautiful and full on queenly (or kingly😊) no matter what clothes you decide to wear or what angels or poses you can show in a photo. Recovery is for EVERYBODY Bopo is for EVERYBODY Acceptance is for EVERYBODY And no matter what your struggling with, you are not alone. #selflovebootcamp #positivebeatsperfect

A photo posted by Connie💜🦄Positive.beats.perfect (@my_life_without_ana) on

August 2016 #throwback I’ve been feeling pretty overwhelmed today, there’s just so much going on! So I scrolled back though my Instagram to my first ever bopo post! I can’t believe how far I’ve come!!! This is what I wrote: 💜 💜 “I’ve been scared to post this all day! I’m having really bad body image so I’m facing it head on! And I want you all to see that I am not perfect! This is me and this is my belly! I’m in recovery, nearly weight restored but not all the way to healthy just yet! Still got some more of me to come! This belly has been through hell and back… Again and again. It has been starved and empty and fed and bloated. I have stretch marks and loose skin from weight fluctuations. I have permanent lines where my stomach folds when I move. I have scars from the times I was at my lowest and tried to cut my tummy away. But this is me and this is the tummy I’ve got after a life time of self hatred and self abuse so I need to learn that this is my tummy and it’s ok! It’s ok to have scars and stretch marks! It’s ok to have rolls in your tummy! And it’s OK TO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF! You don’t have to punish yourself forever for something you can’t change! The body your in is yours and the flaws that it has are yours! BE PROUD OF THEM! Be happy that your still here! Be grateful that after everything you have but your body through, it’s still looking out for you! LOVE YOURSELF 💕 (via #InstaRepost) 💜 💜 So this is just a little reminder for anyone really struggling to love themselves, it’s so hard but it is possible! And I still take photos to face my fears on my bad body image days! Like the beautiful Gina says 👏🏻FAKE👏🏻IT👏🏻TILL👏🏻YOU👏🏻MAKE👏🏻IT👏🏻 (You do not have to post your self love journey online!!! Everyone is different! I started this page as my open diary with only 10 followers!) keep going beautiful people!!! #positivebeatsperfect

A photo posted by Connie💜🦄Positive.beats.perfect (@my_life_without_ana) on


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