Quokkas: los animales más sonrientes del mundo

Vivir Bien
Tiempo de lectura: 5 min

Estos pequeños marsupiales, oriundos de Australia, siempre tienen una expresión de alegría en su cara.

Su nombre deriva del que les dieron los indígenas originarios de la isla. Sus parientes más cercanos son los canguros y los ‘wallabies’, de acuerdo con Discovery.

Se caracterizan por tener un pelaje marrón grisáceo, orejas redondas, patas cortas, cola pequeña y ojos negros saltones.

Happiness is found on the inside. I'll be back hanging with the quokkas in a few days! 🐻❤ @quokkahub #HappyQuokkaMonday who wants a live stream?

A post shared by Allan Dixon – Adventurer (@daxon) on

Let's be honest here. Do you think your life sucks? I often see people having such a great time that it makes me jealous. What we imagine versus the reality is always different. The photo looks great, yes they did have an epic time, but at a price that goes unseen. You've only glanced a snapshot of a particular instant on their rollercoaster of life. Time before and after that photo miss showing you the struggle of time and energy spent on getting to that point. Likewise for afterwards. We all go up, we all go down, but on different levels of what's normal. We are all emotionally somewhere in the middle between happiness and sadness on our personal level of what is normal life. Of those ever waving emotions think deep down what actually makes you happy? What I want you to do now is comment your answer "What action in your life helps you grow in a positive direction towards happiness?". Do it! I'm collecting these thoughts for a book on mindfulness. It will be filled with pictures of quokkas! #HappyQuokkaMonday @quokkahub

A post shared by Allan Dixon – Adventurer (@daxon) on

Su cola les permite saltar y desplazarse a través de túneles que ellos mismos construyen. También son expertos trepadores de árboles.

2 important things: (1) Happy to share such a #HappyQuokkaMonday image by @cambojones2020. What an awesome surprisingly unique shot. (2) I'm now sourcing sponsorship for a quokka campaign. One major organization has declined but I'm reaching out to others. If you can think of a company or person with ~$25k+ who would love to be associated with a quokka book and a very very positive story with international news coverage then hit me up. Fingers crossed we can make the ultimate quokka book possible. Note, the campaign needs sponsorship and crowdfunding so that you don't have to pay for an expensive book. @quokkahub 🐻😃

A post shared by Allan Dixon – Adventurer (@daxon) on

Son herbívoros y de vida nocturna. Viven en comunidades de entre 25 y 150 miembros.

Isn't life beautiful?! 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍 That little guy has the power to melt hearts 🐻 😍 😍 😍 #quokkahub Photo by @sammits147

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Super excited to go back to these quokkas next February to launch another Kickstarter project for the 'Happiest Book In The World'. 🐻😀 There's going to be so many quokka videos. It's #HappyQuokkaMonday! @quokkahub

A post shared by Allan Dixon – Adventurer (@daxon) on

Pareciera que siempre están sonriendo, incluso cuando duermen.

When your nap is so good you smile in your sleep…[Cred to: bioradar.net] #quokkaselfie #soschweepy

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Lo que los hace más especiales es que no tienen miedo a los humanos. Al parecer les encantan las fotografías.

Haven't hung out with a quokka in a year and forgot how truly awesome they are.🐻😃 You can expect some major quokka content over the next few weeks as I hopefully roll out my plans. Lets Adding some happiness and self realisation in people's lives. @quokkahub #DaxonsAnimalSelfies

A post shared by Allan Dixon – Adventurer (@daxon) on

Aye mate. #quokka #rottnest #seeaustralia #gopro #exploreperth #wa #perthfect #perthisok #perth #happyquokkamonday

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The selfie stick getting some quokka action #quokkaselfie [photo cred: bored panda.com]

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Debido a los recurrentes incendios forestales, sus múltiples depredadores y el desarrollo humano, estos tiernos animalitos se encuentran en peligro de extinción.

#quokkaselfie May not be an @instababby but it's still darn cute. [via 9gag.com]

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Smile for the camera! #quokkaselfie @animal.selfie [via 9gag.com]

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