Delfines intentan escapar de su tanque en acuario de Kioto, Japón

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En su hábitat natural, ninguno de estos animales saldría voluntariamente del agua.

Un escalofriante video muestra a dos delfines desesperados en el borde de una piscina.

En las imágenes se ve cómo una empleada del lugar trata de empujar a uno de ellos al agua, sin embargo, el delfín lucha por quedarse afuera.

Los expertos aseguran que este tipo de comportamiento responde al deseo de libertad de los animales, indicó el diario La Vanguardia.

Los delfines intentaban huir del ‘bullying’ rampante habitual de entre animales de los parques marinos”, indicó David Perle, vocero de PETA.

Lo más triste de la historia es que el acuario de Kioto compra sus delfines de la caza anual de delfines en Taiji, que tiene lugar cada año entre septiembre y abril.

La mayoría de delfines terminan vendidos como carne para el consumo humano, pero los “más lindos” son encarcelados en acuarios de Japón y otros países del mundo.

Aquí las imágenes:

A disturbing video has emerged from the Kyoto Aquarium in Japan. It is unclear how long these bottlenose dolphins remained struggling on the slide out before the trainer noticed, or how long it took for the trainer to push the dolphins back into the tank. If you listen closely you can hear the dolphins vocalizing as they struggle on the slide out. As disturbing as this video is, it is not uncommon for captive cetaceans to beach themselves on purpose on slide outs. It is likely these dolphins beached themselves because of boredom, or as a means of escape from an aggressive encounter with a pool mate. – The Kyoto Aquarium is located in the landlocked, busy city of Kyoto, Japan—nowhere near the ocean. As seen in the video, the facility is especially close a loud, busy highway— incredibly harmful for the sound sensitive marine mammals that are forced to "live" there. Before the aquarium's opening in 2012, activists spoke out against the plans to build the aquarium and were concerned about the facility's plan to acquire wild-caught dolphins from Taiji, Japan. However the mayor of Kyoto insisted that the dolphins would be captured chiefly for "scientific research purposes" and now eight wild-caught bottlenose dolphins "live" in the pools rather than out in the ocean with their families. – Witnesses of the dolphin shows have disagreed that the dolphins educate the public. "The dolphins participate in numerous shows each day, and the contents of the show I observed seemed to be more about their ability to perform clever circus-type tricks rather than about their biological characteristics and lifestyle in the wild." -D.M Arakaki – This is an example of where Taiji caught dolphins end up, and what their lives become once they are stripped from their ocean homes. These once wild dolphins are now enclosed in a barren tank—forced to do humiliating tricks for human entertainment. Please watch the documentary "The Cove" for more information on what happens in the annual Taiji dolphin drive and visit @dolphin_project for day to day information. You can help end the suffering! Pledge to not buy a ticket! – Caption credit: @sevenseasoffreedom Video credit: @umisoranikki

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