Halloween: vea cómo hacer tenebrosas heridas con maquillaje

Tiempo de lectura: 1 min

Si todavía no sabe de qué disfrazarse, aquí le traemos una buena opción.

La talentosa Rani Haese es una maquilladora australiana, de 16 años de edad, que se ha llevado la admiración de millones de personas por cuenta de los geniales efectos especiales que hace y que comparte en su cuenta de Instagram.

I think I did this makeup like 3-4 months ago. I can't wait till I've finished all my homework, then I can finally have time to do some new makeups 😊😊

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Here's a timelapse of the Charlie Charlie challenge makeup 😊😊

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A photo posted by Rani (@raniratt) on

A short removal video thing of the watch makeup I did a week or so ago 😊😊

A video posted by Rani (@raniratt) on


A video posted by Rani (@raniratt) on

Here's the top of the converse makeup. I really wasn't happy with this part of the makeup, but oh well 😊

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Yet again, another repost of one of my older makeups. Almost finished my assignment so hopefully I'll do some new makeups soon 😊😊

A photo posted by Rani (@raniratt) on

This is the last calculator makeup video haha. Here's the removal process 😊

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A video posted by Rani (@raniratt) on

Video of the ripped open heel 😊😊

A video posted by Rani (@raniratt) on

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