“Gracias, Ma, por la mejor cena de mi vida”, escribió el joven en su cuenta de Instagram.

El artículo continúa abajo

En esa red social, Manolo publicó 9 fotos y un video de la celebración. Se pueden ver a continuación:

Sofía también aprovechó para poner fotos del evento:

Happy bday hijo!! @manologonzalezvergara ❤️❤️🎈🎂 @taola

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@manologonzalezvergara bday!!❤️

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Manolo, sin duda es el consentido de Sofía: es su único hijo.

Él, en su cuenta de Instagram, ha publicado varias fotos que lo muestran cuando era niño. En varias aparece junto a su madre, o su padre, Joe González.

#TB to when my mother and I released the hottest Stephen Sondheim covers album of the 90s. #TBT #Eyebrow911

A post shared by Manolo Gonzalez Vergara (@manologonzalezvergara) on

#TB to that one time I asked to speak to the manager. #TBT #SoccerMomChic

A post shared by Manolo Gonzalez Vergara (@manologonzalezvergara) on

#TB to when I was Tatum O'Neill's stunt double. #TBT #GladIGrewIntoMyHair #WhatATan #Unimpressed

A post shared by Manolo Gonzalez Vergara (@manologonzalezvergara) on

#TB to a time before the allergies, I guess #TBT #RomperBeforeTheyWereCool #JustABoyAndHisBitch #WhyDoTheDogAndIHaveTheSameColorPalette

A post shared by Manolo Gonzalez Vergara (@manologonzalezvergara) on

Happy Fathers Day!! Te quiero! #ThanksForGivingMeYourOliveSkinTone #AndCanklesToo

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This wasn't even Halloween; this was just how we dressed in the 90s #TB #TBT #WellShitNoWonderIHaveTrauma #Blumhouse

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I was a small, and delicate, child. #IStillLookLikeThat #TB #TBT #AmargadoDesdeLaInfancia

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#TB to the first time I learned how to hold a pen. #TBT #PlumageIfYouWill

A post shared by Manolo Gonzalez Vergara (@manologonzalezvergara) on

#TB to when I was tropical. #TBT #Seksi #GladIGrewIntoMyWrists

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#TB to that time before our eyebrows grew in. #TBT #WeLookJaundiced #WhereWasTheTan #MyBangsHadAProsceniumArch #SoTheatrical

A post shared by Manolo Gonzalez Vergara (@manologonzalezvergara) on

#TB to when we dropped the hottest norteño single of the early 00's. #TBT #LasTresTiasDeTijuana #WhoIsWho

A post shared by Manolo Gonzalez Vergara (@manologonzalezvergara) on

#TB to the first time I went skiing, and the last time I had bangs. #TBT #TheYetiIsBehindUs

A post shared by Manolo Gonzalez Vergara (@manologonzalezvergara) on

I used to be thin. I used to be sporty. I used to be able to wear white shorts. #TB #TBT #JKThoseThingsNeverHappened

A post shared by Manolo Gonzalez Vergara (@manologonzalezvergara) on

#TB to when I was my mother's stunt woman. #TBT #CarlosAngels #PeroLikeWhy #QueDesastreMeng

A post shared by Manolo Gonzalez Vergara (@manologonzalezvergara) on

#TB to that time I was preparing to eat Kellyane Conway, apparently. #TBT #WrinklesForEveryone #MyShirtTho #Help #AllOfThisIsJustAwful

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#TB to when I looked like an uncomfortable extra in Star Trek #TBT #AtleastIWasTan

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