La celulitis es normal y la industria de belleza la capitaliza diciendo que necesitamos removerla”.

La actriz, escritora y activista canadiense ha probado todo tipo de tratamientos  como cremas, sales de baño y trucos caseros que no funcionaron, por eso escribió en su cuenta de Instagram: “si tratas de venderme tu tratamiento contra la celulitis, no lo quiero”.

IF YOU TRY TO SELL ME YOUR CELLULITE TREATMENT, I DON'T WANT IT. 😷 Now thats out of the way… This girl goes to the gym 4-5x a week. She weightlifts, includes cardio and plyometrics, she eats a personal well balanced diet and has for the last year. For those of you who comment and tell me "if you only lost ten pounds your cellulite would go away," without having researched my page to see I have lost over 50 pounds and yes my cellulite appear has reduced but it has not "gone away." Here are the stats again: 93% of women have cellulite. AND- You have a 90% chance of developing cellulite if you're a woman. 🙆💕If those stats don't make you feel at home and normal in your body I don't know what will 💕🙆 We have made it a "COSMETIC issue" not an indication of health. This is straight from the doc's mouth, not mine. It has to do with a combination of genetics and hormones. Which you can really only fuck with to a certain extent. THE ONLY WAY TO REMOVE CELLULITE IS TO REMOVE FAT. Can you remove fat through a topical cream? By massaging it? By drinking green tea? By rubbing coconut oil on yourself? That's not how it works. Stop this misinformation right now. 👏Cellulite is normal. And the beauty industry capitalizes on saying we need it removed.👏 Again, I'm not going to shame a woman for trying to work to get rid of hers I completely understand and respect the decision to do so. This message isn't for her. This message is for women who crave acceptance, self love and want appreciation for their bodies as they exist right now. Also sorry for the dbl watermark, I saw some people using my photos and cropped out my name from them 🙃 how nice! #cellulitesaturday #mermaidthighs #effyourbeautystandards #bodypositivity #nobodyshame #lovetheskinyourein #thisiswhatfitlookslike

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En sus fotos muestra su cuerpo desde varios ángulos y captura día a día el proceso que realiza para mejorar la relación consigo misma, informó The Huffington Post. La joven comentó que sufrió de dismorfia corporal, una condición que hace que la persona sobredimensione las preocupaciones por su apariencia física.

Es muy tedioso pensar en eso todo el tiempo, y llega al punto donde piensas ‘¿qué voy a hacer?’. Me he probado ‘leggins’ en diferentes tiendas deportivas y voy al espejo y me muevo de diferentes maneras, para ver si mi celulitis se ve con ellos”.

Dear reader 💫 I hope you celebrate your body today. Especially the part that you haven't been saying nice things to all these years. Your body needs you. Love, Me 🙆💞 Another edition of #cellulitesaturday. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ I can't truthfully say I love this part of my body yet, but I'm getting farther away from hating it. ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨ Cellulite shouldn't be ruining your life or mine. Cellulite is little itty bitty fat cells that accumulate in places where your cute body says "yup, need some more of that over here!" It isn't a medical condition. It is a 🚨cosmetic🚨 personal issue that women have with themselves due to the overwhelming pressure our beauty culture has placed on having thin smooth young looking skin. What about all the gals that don't have thin smooth young looking skin? What if they don't fit in that standard? Fuck that. Rock yo body, in all its cuteness that it is. ❤️💛💚💙💜 #everyBODYisbeautiful #daretobedifferent #selflovejourney

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Querida lectora: espero que celebres tu cuerpo hoy. Especialmente esa parte a la que no le has dicho cosas buenas todos estos años. Tu cuerpo te necesita”.

Ahora Brenna acepta su cuerpo tal como es y con el ‘hashtag’ #cellulitesaturday trata de inspirar a otras mujeres a que hagan lo mismo.

GOOD MORNINGGGG ✨☀️🌎 So, today is #cellulitesaturday 💆💜 Let's talk stats ok? These are pretty wild to me. 42% of girls in grade 1-3 want to be thinner 💔 78 fucking % of 17 year old girls are unhappy with their bodies 💔 "Teenage girls are more afraid of gaining weight then getting cancer, losing their parents or nuclear war." 😖😖😖 In 2013 the American Medical Association created a policy that really didn't go anywhere, stating that the effects of digitally altering images to impressionable youth were so harmful they cause HEALTH PROBLEMS. I'm not fucking making this shit up people. And did it do anything? Nope. That's why offering up my #realbody, unedited, unfiltered for you to look at, for trolls to rip apart, is important because we have LITERALLY FORGOTTEN WHAT REAL BODIES LOOK LIKE. To quote WIKIPEDIA "cellulite occurs in 80-90% of women, the prevailing medical condition is that it's 'merely the normal condition of many women.'" 👏NORMAL. It's fucking NORMAL.👏 With stats above it drives me so hard so that way my future daughters and sons grow up with more real images of bodies around them than I did. To pray their mental and physical health isn't as affected as mine was. #fuckyeahhhhh #thisbody #celluliteisokay #bodyconfidence #nobodyshame #recovery #bodyimage #bodyimageissues #cellulite

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La supermodelo Ashley Graham también es defensora de lo natural y una vez escribió en su Instagram que “un poco de celulitis nunca ha hecho mal a nadie”.

La celulitis está presente en mujeres de todos los tamaños y en varios casos es causada por problemas hormonales o de circulación, por eso los productos mágicos que prometen acabar con el problema resultan ser decepcionantes en algunos casos.