La joven bloguera escribió hace poco un artículo para la revista Cleo, en el que narró su experiencia y miedo al momento de mostrar su cuerpo en vestido de baño, informó Distractify.

Para el artículo, se hizo una sesión de fotos en vestido de baño y en su blog personal describió la experiencia, que luego compartió a través de sus redes sociales.

En Instagram publicó una de las fotografías en la que aparece acompañada de 2 amigas de talla grande.

Al poco tiempo, fue eliminada por “violar las normas de la comunidad”.

Al notarlo, escribió a la red social solicitando una explicación.

La imagen no tenía contenido pornográfico, no estaba llena de sangre o violencia, no hizo nada malo, salvo por ser una imagen de 3 chicas gordas sonriendo en vestido de baño que apenas podemos denominar como ‘lascivos'”.

Un par de semanas después, la imagen volvió a aparecer en su historial de Instagram y al mismo tiempo recibió una respuesta por parte del portal.


Un miembro de nuestro equipo eliminó accidentalmente algo que usted publicó en Instagram. Esto fue un error y le ofrecemos unas sinceras disculpas por este error. Ya restauramos el contenido y usted debería poder verlo ahora.



Operaciones comunitarias


Dear @instagram this is a little too late after I had to deal with all the bloody trolls and haters last week. It's almost TWO weeks. So I accept your apology Instagram but it does not change a thing. You have placed the image back but at what cost? Please remember that if this ever happens again, I assure you it will be a battle cry I will announce because You are answerable to ALL of my plus size friends for removing their images or accounts on Instagram or Facebook. Check your latent fatphobia. Check your guidelines and policies. Take better care of the people who use your services as a means of staying connected to oceans of people who just want to exist as people. Fat, brown, lgbt, disabled and many other intersections deserve RESPECT and not to be trolled by anonymous private accounts with no life. Sincerely, a fat brown woman. #plussize #woc #intersectionalfeminism #fatacceptance #psblogger #bodypositive #nobodyshame #losehatenotweight #fuckfatphobia #igsg #southasian #effyourbeautystandards

A photo posted by Aarti Olivia Dubey (@curvesbecomeher) on

A pesar de las disculpas, Aarti aseguró a BuzzFeed que sigue creyendo que no fue un error, y que por el contrario, cree que se trató de un acto de discriminación hacia su cuerpo, pues las redes sociales se inundan con mujeres y estilos de vida aparentemente “perfectos”.

This is my fav shot the hubster took. It's not on the blog because it looked out of place but I love it. This shoot was not easy. Wearing this two piece and hearing the derogatory comments in my head made it harder. I won't lie, the past few weeks took quite a chunk of my good vibes and energy. I spent so much time deleting comments, blocking people and responding to emails..I didn't sleep or eat much. But this was important to do. It is me reclaiming the jubilation and pride I should have felt when I shared the article with you. This is me, existing as a fat Indian girl in a stereotypically skinny Asian world. And oh god cmon, I am more than my physical vessel. I am a writer, a daughter and wife, an animal lover and trained psychotherapist, a sister, an animal lover and music aficionado. There are so many dimensions to each of us. There are so many life stories, loves and pet peeves. You won't see me invading someone else's social space pointing fingers at what's wrong with them. It's called respect. It's also called empathy. Something I don't see being practised as often. This is the last of the series of images for this swimsuit. I am so done with the whole Instagram hoopla. I don't want to revisit it, don't want to talk about it. I'm all talked out about it! Cheers to what lies ahead. May we have the strength to plough through adulting lol #plussize #psblogger #plussizeswimwear #fatshion #fashionblogger #igsg #southasian #celebratemysize #swimsuitsforall

A photo posted by Aarti Olivia Dubey (@curvesbecomeher) on

So listen, yours truly did not have much rest last week and her stress levels were through the roof. But I needed to cheer myself up so when I found myself wiping my tears at 5 in the am on a Sunday..I kicked my ass out of the bed, had myself an invigorating shower..spent time dolling myself up and got this shoot Done! Because if there's one thing this chick does, she gets shit done. She puts hard work, love and courage in every step she takes as a writer, as an activist, as a human being and she deserves to feel good about herself like you do. So this was for me. The sun was shining so brightly, the birds were chirping, I was laughing so hard at passers by who stared at me agog because fat girls in crop tops are uncommon here. I don't mind me an audience! TL;DR sometimes a girl just needs to dress up, shake the blues off and pick herself up in some pink! #fuckfatphobia #losehatenotweight #bodypositive #plussizesg #plussize #psblogger #igsg #southasian #nobodyshame #fatshion #woc #intersectionalfeminism #justkeepswimming #effyourbeautystandards

A photo posted by Aarti Olivia Dubey (@curvesbecomeher) on